
retronaut webring.

WARNING: please do not stick your fingers into max's enclosure. he bites!
hey hi hello, and welcome to bugkisser! aka my cute and colorful corner of the internet, made by the webprincess known as zimmykins! i'm 15 years old and ever since i saw websites like swirl and sugarangel, i've wanted to make my own website, so here we are! i tried using neocities before, but i didn't know the first thing about coding!!! i know a lot more than i did a year ago, but it's still not the best. this website will forever be a work in progress because there's so much i want to do with it that i can't possibly finish this place anytime soon. feel free to leave a comment on my guestbook or chatbox!! though i'd prefer you use the chatbox since i can immediately see the messages!! i'm not always going to immediately respond or even respond at all, but that doesn't mean i don't appreciate all your comments! always remember to be nice to each other!! that's really all i have to say, bye bye!!
hosted by neocities since 2023... voted #1 cutest alien... a girl's heart is full of sweet things... internet girl violently explodes... hyperfixation brainrot intensifies...
5/12/24: sam & max shrine is completed!!! I LOVE SAM & MAX GRRR ARF ARF ARF 5/11/24: invader zim shrine is complete! i'm super happy with how it turned out :3 5/8/24: i finished the shrines splash page, now i gotta work on the actual shrines. not today though! 5/7/24: diary is completed, will make a new entry soon!!! 5/4/24: finished revamping my about me page!!!!! 4/28/24: finished remaking the homepage and the splash page! ^_^ 4/27/24: started working on my new homepage!! i also made a new button since the last one broke.. 12/22/23: finished shipping shrine and links page! 12/21/23: finished about me page, general shrines page, and updated invader zim shrine 12/17/23: finished webrings page, updated diary page 12/21/23: finished "about me" page 12/10/23: finished new home page, changed not found page 12/09/23: started working on new home page 12/06/23: created a bumper and new button
the webprincess is feeling... The current mood of kittyypurin at www.imood.com

"the rabbity thing makes rice cakes on the moon. when i tried them, they were gooey and sticky. i didn't like them, but i didn't say anything."
The Princess Code
LINKED ! gerbo
LINKED ! max
I am angelic ♥
This Barbie is an alien!
zimmykins is the ruler of bugland!
my jam!! rabbit hole - deco*27
rainbow 🌈 barbie pink
OTF invader zim

aromatic // cherry blossom
OTP :: freelance husbands, zadr, bugswatter ♡
you are visitor number...
website counter
pic of the whenever!

let's be web neighbors!

any links back are much appreciated!